Practice Area Postcode Checker
Enter your new postcode into the postcode checker within the above map to see if you will be within our boundary area and can be registered with James Fisher Medical Centre.
New Patient Registration
Complete the New Patient Registration form for Adults online
Complete the New Patient Registration form for Children online
If you wish to register with the practice as a patient, please bring in your medical card or complete a registration form which is available from reception. We regret that we are only able to accept patients who live in our practice area.
You will be registering with the practice rather than an individual GP, but you will be able to choose which GP you see. If you are accepted onto a doctor's list you will be requested to complete a patient questionnaire giving us your medical history. This form can also be downloaded from the above tab.
Please inform us promptly of any change of address or telephone number.
Named GP information
Find your NHS number
You do not need to know your NHS number to use NHS services, but it can be useful to have it
Temporary Residents
Form to register with the practice as a temporary resident